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Does it make you mad when life isn't fair? 

When someone cuts in line. When the coach favors one player over another. When a friend calls someone else and not you when they want to hang out. When someone cheats and gets an A and you don't. When hanging out on a Friday night used to be hanging out with friends, but now you have to stay home. 

Come to think of it, it wasn't fair when spikes pierced the hands that formed the earth. And it wasn't fair that the Son of God was forced to hear the silence of God. It wasn't fair, but it happened. 

While Jesus was on the cross, God watched. He turned his back. He ignored the screams of the innocent. He sat in silence while the sins of the world were placed upon his Son. And he did nothing while a cry echoed in the black sky: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

Was it right? No. Was it fair? No. Was it love? Yes. Life may be unfair, but God's love for us overwhelms the most unfair thing we can think of. Jesus knows unfair. He conquers it with love. 

Thought -

Think about the times you've been treated unfairly. It can make you furious, right? It might make you want to teach someone a lesson. But think about how Jesus responsed to the most unfair event in human history. Did he response with revenge? No. His response was love. 

Let's choose love today no matter how unfair it feels. 

Love ya.
