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"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death . . . "

This has been the road we have walked over the past 3 weeks. It's been a hard road to walk. Filled with sorrow. Heartache. Grief. Death is such an awful, unwelcome intruder. Leaving in its wake this hollow place in our hearts and lives. Those we love and have lost. 

My dear mother-in-law. Such a lovely, beautiful woman. A woman with a heart that sought hard after God. That knew His grace and goodness - and whose life bore witness to her beloved Saviour. She loved so well. She was loved and held by our gracoius and loving God. 

Some have asked how we are doing. We are weary. Worn. A lot has happenned in the past 3 weeks. 

Yet . . . at the same time . . . we have and continue to experience what the Psalmist goes on to write - "I will fear no evil, for YOU ARE WITH ME . . . " 

Oh - to tell the stories of how we experienced God's presence. Let me limit myself to one. It was one of the final evenings. We were gatehered around mom's bed. She was growing weaker. Dad read Scriptures that God put on His heart - reading them over mom. Blessing her. Giving thanks to God for her. Our eyes wet with tears as we listened and affirmed. It was a holy moment.

As the evening continued, we listened to worship music - singing over mom and reminding our own grieving, sorrow-soaked hearts of what is true. A song came on - I haven't been able to get it out of my head since. "No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus." We cried as we listened. As the lyrics were sung - it seemed as if they were words that mom had for us - the testimony of her life. Her re-assurance to us that Jesus would care for us too. 

Have a listen. Be encouraged. 

Thank you for your prayers and support,

-Pastor Tim