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Psalm 91 is a Psalm that many are turning to right now. It is a Psalm that speaks of God’s protection and care for His people. However, it is not a Psalm that promises to keep us away from harm, from suffering, even from COVID-19.

In reality – COVID-19 is actually exposing just how vulnerable we are. To be human is to be vulnerable. We know this deep inside – despite efforts to suppress it. We long to feel safe – but life in a world like ours is filled with risks and with dangers – including the threat of COVID-19.

Try as we may to protect ourselves – taking all the measures seriously – is no guarantee that we will not one day become infected by this awful virus. God doesn’t promise to keep the virus away from us.

In fact His promise is better than that. God promises our ultimate security – no matter what happens to us in this life, in this world – God has us in His hand and will not let us go. No matter what.

Psalm 91 doesn’t promise that the worst of this world will not come upon God’s people – it may – and it has. But when it does – the promise is that we are not alone, we are not abandoned, we are not destroyed.

God’s protection doesn’t mean we won’t experience deep pain in our lives – physical pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain. But it does mean that God will be with us – in the pain. Walking beside us through the pain. And one day ultimately lifting us out of the pain and away for the pain – forever.

The image that has grabbed my heart’s attention this week is the image of verse 4 – “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.”

God is pictured as a mother hen – covering her children with her feathers – sheltering them in the midst of the storm under her wings. A bird’s feathers have a smooth part and a more fluffy part often. The smoother part has stiff barbs with tiny hooks that lock together like a zipper – and the fluffy part keeps a bird warm. Together – they protect from wind and from rain when storms come.

God’s comfort – God’s protection – in the midst of the storm. That is what Psalm 91 invites us to hold onto. If you are feeling overwhelmed by all that is going on – run to Him. Don’t just shelter in place in your home – shelter under His wings – let Him cover you with His feathers.

The short video below helps you picture what this verse is inviting us into.

Let me end with the closing of a letter that John Newton wrote to a woman whose sister was dying: 

"Hide yourself under the shadow of His wings; rely upon His care and power; look upon Him as a physician who has graciously undertaken to heal your soul of the worst of sicknesses, sin. When you cannot see your way, be satisfied that He is your leader. When your spirit is overwhelmed within you, remember He knows your path; He will not leave you to sink. He has appointed seasons of refreshment, and you shall find He does not forget you. Above all, keep close to the throne of grace in prayer. If we seem to get no good by attempting to draw near Him we may be sure we shall get none by keeping away from Him."

May God shelter you – covering you with His feathers and giving you refuge under His wings.

Pastor Tim