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I invite you to take the time to journey through lament to gratitude this Christmas. This Christmas will be unlike any other we've had in recent memory. Our lives have changed and been disrupted. 

For many of us, there have been and remain signfiicant losses. So many of the rhythms of our lives have been shaken. From holidays, family traditions, physical contact with those we love, to worship in preson or simply inviting friends over for a meal - all of it has been upturned.

Many of us are tired, even downright exhausted. 

Many of us will find this Christmas season to be particualrly loney - this pandemic only mangifiying the isolation we already feel.

This has been a tough year. 

Let's look for the light together during this season. What might that mean? 

It means to first acknowledge the darkness - bringing it before God and allowing God's presence to illuminate our circumstances and our hearts. We need to lament. 

It will also mean finding grace even in the deepest darkness. "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not extinguished it," declares the Gospel of John (John 1:5). 

It will mean practicing gratitude as we receive all of life as a gift and as we receive God as the giver of all the goodness we yet enjoy. 

Below you will find a link to a wonderful resource provided by Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries that will help guide you through lament to gratitude. I encourage you to download it and take the time to work through it. 

Be blessed,

Pastor Tim